Blog 2 In my adventure into Full Stack Development

It's been a week since my last blog, and what a week! Unfortunately most of what happened will probably have to wait until next weeks blog (Boo hiss!) as we catch up on the previous weeks work and the beginning of the course.

Being an intensive course, the content has been flying by, starting with HTML and how to format a webpage, to the tags used within it - This is going to be a more bullet pointy type blog with mostly just a list of things covered - and sometimes with brief explanations where I can remember them, all from memory with no looking up!

HTML: Head/body tags - where body is the content that you see on screen, and head is where you keep things like links/favicons & more importantly, set the title of the page which appears in the tab.

The course started with this in the first week, mainly focussing on basic tags, other than the HTML page makeup, these included: div - creates a full page width container for content span - creates in line elements strong - Makes text bold ul/ol/li - used to create lists, unordered lists (bullet point defaults), ordered list (numbers by default) and li being used to specify each item in a list tr/th/td - used to create tables, tr specifies a row, th is the headers at the top of a table, and td used for the contents in rows below the header rows

Just to add to the confusion as well, there is also a header element - which goes in the body section, where things like the page header (shock horror) goes, as well as putting in a nav section if it is a multi page site!, along with main & footer, with main being the main content of the page, and footer being pretty self explanatory (hopefully!)

As I keep thinking of other elements as I'm writing up, here's a list of them as they flow into my head: img a (anchor) section article link iframes

Moving onto week 2 - CSS, this is where all the real fun begins, actually making a webpage look half decent (or colourfully terrible in my case). Learning how to set classes and IDs, when each should be used, as well as the realisation that when doing styles in an external CSS - it is a different style to inline CSS, using more colons rather than equals signs! The main components of which used in the first couple of weeks, to understand were: padding margin font-size em, rem, pixels & viewports color background-color Hex, RGB, RGBA & HSL to assign the colours - as well as the default words which can be used to assign colours pixels, viewports & percentage values border

With so much information to take in from such a short timespan, it's hard to recall off the top of your head without forgetting anything, but there is one more thing that we utilised towards the end of week 2 (ok it was supposed to be week 3 but I was slightly ahead on content - so we'll be discussing it in next weeks blog), which is flex - allowing for content to be arranged dynamically on a page with just a few commands

See you next week!

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Written by lcorndogl


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