Coding Made Easier: 5 Tools for Newbie Developers

I've been coding for almost a year now and these are a few among many tools that made my life easier. In this article, I'm not focusing on high-tech kind of software, but rather taking a ride on the practical and simple side of coding.

Unfortunately, when I started learning I wasn't aware of any of these resources and I lost many precious hours when working on my projects. So I hope these are helpful for you like it was for me!

1 - Techsini: Multi Device Website Mockup Generator

When starting to build our portfolio, it's essential to consider how we'll present our projects to the market. The success of selling our projects often plays a significant role in landing our first job. Therefore, it's crucial to ensure that our websites function seamlessly across various devices and effectively showcase our work. This is where a mockup generator becomes key.

While there are several options available, such as MockUPhone and Am I Responsive?, my personal favorite is the Techsini Generator.

2 - HTML Colors Codes

You know those moments when you're trying to test out different designs or find inspiration, and you just can't figure out the exact HEX number for that specific color you want to use in your project? That's how I stumbled upon this awesome tool called HTML Colors Codes that helped me quite a lot.

HTML Colors Codes is like having your very own web-based version of the Eyedropper Tool from Photoshop. It's super handy for quickly discovering the HEX number of a color by simply uploading an image.

Sure, there might be other tools out there that do the same thing, but what I love about HTML Colors Codes is how fast and straightforward it is. You don't need to install any software or deal with complicated interfaces. Just hop onto the website, upload your image and get your code.

3 - Diffchecker

Diffchecker is a platform that allows you to compare two pieces of text and easily spot the differences between them. You know those times when you're working on a coding along challenge or making changes to your code, and you suddenly lose track of what you've modified? Well, Diffchecker is here for us.

Here's how it works: You take the code you're working on and compare it to the original source or an earlier version. Diffchecker then highlights all the changes for you, making it crystal clear what modifications you've made. It helped me quite a lot to see the changes side by side and have a clear picture of what I've modified.

4 - Tables Generator

When I first started using tables in my README files, I had no idea what I was doing. Believe it or not, I actually built them manually! Can you imagine the amount of time and effort that took? Trust me, it was not a pleasant experience.

The Markdown Tables Generator is incredibly easy to use. All you have to do is set your table specifications, such as the size and alignment, and then input the content you need. Once you've done that, the generator works its magic and generates a perfectly formatted table ready to be used in your README file.

So, take it from me, the person who learned the hard way—don't waste your precious time building tables manually. Instead, embrace the Markdown Tables Generator and let it do the heavy lifting for you. Your README files will thank you, and you'll have more time to work on the things that truly matter.

5 - TOC Generator

I wish I had a different story to share, but once again, I did it the hard way. And that's precisely why I feel compelled to share this resource with you.

Let's rewind to my first project. It took me 35 minutes to write and test my table of contents on the README file. On my second project, I went from spending 35 minutes to a mere 15 seconds.

The TOC Generator couldn't be simpler to use. After you finish writing your README file, just copy and paste it into the left side of the generator. It will produce a fully formatted and ready-to-use table of contents for your project.

Keep up!

The only way I could learn to make a TOC in 15 seconds was by enduring those excruciating 35 minutes of manual work. Sometimes, the most important lessons come from the painful experiences, but they drive us to find better solutions. As programmers, we face challenges, make mistakes, and learn from them. It's all part of the journey. Remember to embrace the process, enjoy the ride, and keep trying!

If you have any suggestions, please let me know in the comments!

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Written by Valentino Braga


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