Why Writing about Coding Improves Your Learning Journey

Writing about coding might seem like an unconventional combination, but it can significantly improve your learning journey.

By articulating your coding experiences and challenges, you strengthen problem-solving skills, memory retention, and the ability to break down complex concepts.

It also works as a personal repository of knowledge that you can look back over to remind yourself just how far you've come along.

In this article, we will explore the why and how to get started.

How Writing Helps

Writing about coding not only solidifies your understanding of programming concepts but also helps develop critical skills that make you a better coder and communicator.

By documenting your coding journey, you improve various aspects of your learning process, such as:

Memory and knowledge retention

Writing helps you internalize complex coding concepts, ensuring you remember them more effectively. When you articulate your thoughts on a subject, it reinforces neural connections and deepens your understanding.

Breaking down problems and identifying patterns

Translating coding challenges into written form forces you to dissect complex issues into smaller, more manageable parts. This practice helps you detect recurring patterns and devise practical solutions.

Problem-solving and analytical skills

Writing about coding requires you to analyze your approach, identify potential pitfalls, and refine your methods. This process sharpens your critical thinking abilities, which are essential for successful coding.

Concision in expressing ideas

Effective communication is key in the coding world, and writing helps you learn how to convey your thoughts concisely and clearly.

Another thing I've noticed is that people who can communicate clearly and effectively tend to have much more rapid growth in their careers since they usually end up mentoring other team members and helping non-technical people understand the difficulties of solving specific problems.


I touched off this in the "Concision in expressing ideas" block, but yet another reason you should write is your career. When you write and share your learnings, people assume you know a lot about a topic, which can bolster your professional opportunities.

It also helps you prepare to explain concepts clearly in interviews or even be able to refer an interviewer to an article you wrote when they ask about a topic.

It'll help potential employers find you and make you stand out against the pack if you publicly share your knowledge.

Where to write

There are numerous tools and platforms available to help you document and share your coding experiences effectively. Here are our favorites.

Personal blogs and websites

Creating a blog or website offers your own dedicated space for sharing your coding insights and building a digital portfolio.

You have complete control over the content and presentation, allowing you to showcase your skills and knowledge without limitations.

Note-taking apps

Not everyone wants to share their notes with the world, and that's okay. Apps like Evernote, OneNote, Notion, and Roam Research enable you to record code snippets, concepts, and ideas quickly and efficiently. These apps make it easy to organize and access your notes, helping you stay focused and productive. You'll also have a massive backlog of articles and notes if you ever decide to share your knowledge.

Developer-focused platforms

Call me biased as the founder of Codú, but obviously, we think Codú is the best place to start sharing and supporting your writing journey.

But if Codú isn't for you, there are plenty of options on sites like Dev.to, Hashnode, and Medium that expose your writing to a broader audience within the tech community. These platforms also offer valuable networking opportunities and feedback from fellow developers.

Social media platforms

Platforms like X (Twitter), LinkedIn, YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram allow you to share short updates, progress reports, and insights with your network.

Engaging with your peers on social media can lead to valuable connections and learning opportunities. I've made so many friends by sharing content online on social media.

Creating engaging content on these platforms is challenging because each has its constraints (which will help you learn how to articulate in new ways). You will also get more feedback on how helpful, accurate, and engaging your content is.

Tip: Keep It Simple!

There is a great quote that floats around the internet that I always share with people when they are trying to explain concepts:

“If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.”

So, the goal is to learn concepts and write about them in a very simple manner. This will ensure both you and, if you share publicly, the reader has the best chances of learning and understanding.

How Codú Supports Your Writing

The platform and community growing on Codú have blown me away.

Myself and the community are always looking at ways to create a more engaging and helpful experience for our members.

Here are some of the ways we currently help folks:

Online Community

We have an online space (Discord) where coders can connect, share their writing, and help others improve. The platform provides a range of resources and opportunities to support its members in various ways:

Mentorship, Workshops, and Networking

Codú provides access to experts in the field, as well as workshops and networking events catering to beginners and experienced coders. These resources can help you develop new skills, refine your techniques, and expand your professional network.

Learn from others

Codú's website features articles on various coding topics written by different authors. This diverse content can offer ideas, insights, tips, and best practices to support your learning and writing journey.

Writing challenges

Codú promotes writing challenges, such as the "six articles in six weeks" challenge, which can help you refine your writing skills, develop a writing habit, and earn exclusive swag!

To get started, you can learn more here.

So, why not join Codú and start sharing your coding journey today?

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Written by Niall Maher

Founder of Codú - The web developer community! I've worked in nearly every corner of technology businesses; Lead Developer, Software Architect, Product Manager, CTO and now happily a Founder.


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